Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Menu Board

So excited to have this pretty and functional board in my kitchen. I saw this in a great post on A Girl and a Glue Gun. She gives great instructions and sells them, too.

The main thing I had to change was that I had to use Velcro since my acrylic calendar was simply too thick for the magnets to stick through that. I could have saved a lot of money if I'd figured that out in the beginning and not been so stubborn about it. You know, "I'm going to MAKE this work!" Well, even someone as hard-headed as me will give up after approximately 8 coats of that expensive magnetic paint! :)

But I love the final product.

Another thing I have to share.  One of my friends said, "You should title your post, 'How to drive your kids crazy'."  Here's why: for the first couple of weeks when I had this up, I had not been to the store for a true menu-planning-grocery-shopping session.  So I had just randomly thrown all the entrees up on the board for aesthetics.  Everyday, my 9 yo would say, "Oh, good, we're having fill-in-the-blank for dinner tonight," and I would say, "Sorry, not tonight," he'd say, "But, mom, the board says...."  I wasn't intentionally trying to drive him nuts, you know, but it was funny to me, I admit. :)

I used the cricut Storybook cartridge to cut out the little scalloped squares at 1 1/4".  I also cut out the pretty flower/medallion off this cart.  Also used From My Kitchen for "dinner" and the Lyrical Letters, Loopy for the other words.

Here is a picture of the board in action:

I have a little glass dish next to it to store extras and I keep a list of new recipe names I want to add when I make more.
Have a blessed day!  I'd love to see your boards if you make one.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. This is great you did a nice job thanks for sharing!!!

  2. great idea and so pretty but mine would have to say microwave microwave I hate to cook. ha

  3. I love this idea. It would make a great gift.


  4. I like the idea of doing a monthly menu board. Here's a weekly menu I created! http://projecthobbyblog.blogspot.com/2013/10/my-first-menu-board.html
